How much does it cost to file a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy:
There are several components to the cost of filing a chapter 7 Bankruptcy.
How much are Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Attorney Fees:
Attorney's fees are the biggest expense in filing for bankruptcy. Attorneys fees vary depending on the work that needs to be done. Our fees are competitive with other bankruptcy attorneys in our area. Call our office to discuss our attorneys fees.
FINK LAW FIRM KC does accept Chapter 7 payment plans! Payment plans are acceptable with the understanding that the Chapter 7 Bankruptcy will not be filed until the full fee and costs have been paid prior to the filing of the Chapter 7 bankruptcy. However, once retained, you can advise your creditors to contact my office to confirm that a bankruptcy attorney is on your side.
How much are Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Court Costs:
Currently the Filing Fee for a Chapter 7 Bankruptcy is $335.00.
How much is the Credit Report Fee:
The cost of the credit report is $38.00 per debtor. It is a very smart idea to have your credit report pulled by your attorney to ensure that all creditors within the report are listed in bankruptcy schedules. Many times debtors forget about a long past debt that perhaps is not attempting to collect. However, do not rely solely on the credit report as some creditors, typically smaller businesses, may not ever report your debt to a credit reporting agency.
How much are Credit Counseling Course and Debtor Education Course:
The first course and second course should be less than $50.00 combined.